Blonde d'Aquitaine
Three strains of cattle comprise the Blonde d'Aquitaine. The are the Garonnais strain, the Quercy, and the Blonde des Pyrenees. These cattle are from the southwest part of France: from the plains of Garonne, the hills of Garonne, and the Pyrenees Mountains. The Blonde d'Aquitaine trace to cattle that were in the area in the middle ages, when blonde cattle were used to pull carts carrying weapons and goods. There have been infusions of Shorthorn, Charolais and Limousin breeding but this was followed by selection back toward the original type. The cattle were valued as draft oxen and for their meat and milk.The Blonde d'Aquitaine breed exhibits a history of selective breeding pressures that have resulted in the economically valuable breed that we know today. Its muscle development, hardiness and docility are products of its early development as a draft animal.
In the 1960's, the French Blonde d'Aquitaine herd book was formed. The first Blonde d'Aquitaine cattle were imported into the United States in 1972.
The Blonde d'Aquitaine cattle are fine to moderate framed for a larger breed. Most mature Blonde bulls weigh from 1700 to 2300 lbs. with females ranging from 1100 to 1500 lbs. Steers at slaughter - 14 months - weigh 1200 to 1350 lbs.
This well-muscled breed is covered with short, light colored hair. The head of the Blonde d'Aquitaine is long from poll to muzzle. The forehead and muzzle are broad, the face triangular. Horns are light in color and thick at the base, darkening at the tip.
Blonde d'Aquitaine Associations and Registries
Promotional materials. American Blonde d'Aquitaine Association, P.O. Box 470661Tulsa, OK 74147, 918-610-0842 Briggs, H.M. & D.M. Briggs. Modern Breeds of Livestock. Fourth Edition. Macmillan Publishing Co. 1980
American Blonde d'Aquitaine Association
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